SnipperApp 2 vs CoderNotes: what's better?

Many people use snippet managers. This is a great option not to lose an important piece of code. Programmers and computer science students often use the same code for different projects. Why spend a ton of time on tasks of the same type? Together with Snipper App 2 and CoderNotes, you can organize your database. Let's take a closer look at these utilities and identify the most preferred option.

SnipperApp 2

This is a popular application that can be used on your macOS device. The utility supports syntax highlighting for 120+ programming languages. You can make blocks of code and search for them by tags. There is also a GitHub Flavored Markdown and font customization. Here are some options for storing snippets here:

  • Local storage

  • iCloud

  • GitHub Gists.

The application is lightweight and works quickly on any device. You can try the free version or subscribe for a small monthly fee. The backup option is available to users. You can paste images from the clipboard and create notes. A comfortable menubar is always at hand, as are shortcuts. Now you can comfortably create code notes anywhere in the world.


This product is positioned as a platform for programmers. The developers claim that teams can store the code here in private and public access. There is also syntax highlighting here. The utility does not support synchronization with iCloud and GitHub Gists. You can try the free version in the browser, but you will have to register account. This format does not involve backups. You will also need an internet connection.

The main drawback of CoderNotes is the lack of detailed specifications, all the technical capabilities, and more advantages of the paid version. SnipperApp 2 honestly shows all the features of paid and free versions and describes all the processes in detail. With CoderNotes you will get a beautiful template and advertising slogans that were composed by marketers. This is a potentially interesting software product, but it lacks openness and more detailed information for beginners.

Of course, the final choice depends only on the users. However, beginners should try both options for comparison. You should focus on aspects that are important to you and the ability to work comfortably with text snippets. A quick search, support for many programming languages, and a user-friendly interface should be a decisive in choosing an application.