13 Ways Designers Screw Up Client Presentations by Mike Monteiro


Recently at Generate NYC 2015 we saw a number of incredible presentations. Some of these have been posted on YouTube and one in particular has resonated with freelancers, contractors, and anyone who deals with clients on a monthly basis.

Mike Monteiro is the author of books like “Design is a Job” and “You’re My Favorite Client”. He’s known as a prominent speaker on topics relevant to freelancers in the design & development field.

This hour-long presentation from Generate NYC covers how you should, or rather shouldn’t, pitch ideas to clients.

It has been mirrored all across YouTube and been met with some very positive feedback.

If you have the time I’d highly recommend listening to what Mike has to say about client presentations regarding the client’s reactions, and more specifically framing the work so that it’s appealing to your audience.

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