Awesome Typography That Takes Titles to the Next Level


Modern techniques allow obtaining amazing results: offer visitors outstanding experience, engage them in an interactive environment, impress with stunning vivid illustrations, and so on. Nevertheless, despite such a lavish diversity and tremendous potential the common constituent of any UI, aka typography, is still a fully-fledged player in this arena that has passion, ardor, and courage in the genes. Continue reading

50 Website Header Designs That Showcase Creativity and Wit


The first and foremost thing that will stand out about your website is its header. A well designed header will immediately attract the viewer’s attention, which should be the main goal. Once you catch someone’s attention, you also capture their interest and curiosity, and they are much more likely to spend more time on your website and return again in the future. Without a proper header, it will be more tricky to accomplish this, so you should make designing a witty header one of your main priorities. Continue reading